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The History of the Rosacruz and the Secrets of the Egyptian Museum in San Jose

Situated in San Jose, California, the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Park exhibits the West’s most comprehensive collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts and greets over 100,000 travellers annually. Open Wednesday to Sunday each week, this renowned attraction also provides an educational program for children from kindergarten through eighth grade; its purpose is to encourage kids to become enlightened thinkers. The museum contains over four thousand artefacts. There are mummies, statues, and everyday items to look at.

The museum has a life-sized walk-through replica of an ancient Egyptian rock-cut tomb. The museum also features a reconstructed tomb of a nobleman, wall paintings, and murals that depict the tomb’s occupant. There are also several replicas from collections around the world. There are even a few mummies of cats.

The museum also has a Junior Archaeologist program that teaches Egyptology to students in kindergarten to twelfth grades. Teenage docents lead tours of the faux tomb settings and spin tales of the ancient Egyptian afterlife. They also play weekly board games and workshops on topics such as the afterlife.

The museum also has a collection of mummies and papyrus displays. The museum also has a small reading room with books on ancient Egypt. The museum also has an exhibit of vintage scientific machines. There are several replicas of famous items such as the Rosetta Stone.
The Rosicrucian Order, an ancient Egyptian mystery school, has its headquarters in San Jose. The Rosicrucians espouse ancient wisdom to thousands of initiates. They have been in San Jose for nearly seventy-five years. The Rosicrucians have sponsored a new exhibit in the Egyptian Museum.

The Rosicrucian Order was formed by a man named Harvey Spencer Lewis in 1915. He was an advertising illustrator from New Jersey who studied the mysteries of the universe. He began collecting Egyptian artefacts, and eventually, his collection grew to the point where it warranted its own museum. The museum opened in 1966. It covers a five-acre city block. The museum houses more than four thousand artefacts, and it is the largest collection of Egyptian artefacts west of the Mississippi. It is considered a landmark in San Jose. The Rosicrucian Order publishes voluminous monographs. The museum has a special zip code to help visitors find it.

The Rosicrucian Order is a mystical truth-seeking group that believes in the spiritual value of studying ancient Egypt. They believe that the ancients knew all about the universe. It is a belief that they have carried with them for three and a half millennia. The group has created a number of relics to demonstrate their belief. They also have replicas of the Rosetta Stone and the Golden Sarcophagus of King Tut.

The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum is open to scholars, researchers, and classes from out of state. The museum is located in the Rose Garden district of San Jose. The museum offers free tours, and it is open from Wednesday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm. There are also guided tomb tours every day the museum is open.

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